Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Life changed

I don't really know where to begin with this post because of how much life changed since the last time I wrote. Well first things first, Evan is into his second week of work at his new job! I couldn't be happier for him and the job seems to be an amazing fit for his wonderful creative mind.

What's even more ironic is just one day after he got his job offer, I got one too! I am now working at another newspaper and left my job last week. I started work today for the first time and I feel like so many amazing opportunities are possible at this new company. However, with that said, it was incredibly hard to leave my old job. I worked with such a wonderful team of people who taught me so much about myself. I felt like I grew so much with them over the 2 1/2 years I was there, and was in near tears when quitting. But I knew I had to leave. Even though I care about so many of them so deeply, there just seemed to be no chance in growing or advancing as a journalist within that company.

Looking back though, I couldn't have asked for a better place to begin my life as a working journalist. It is such a shame how much that placed changed because of circumstances out of my editors' control and... let's face it, out of a lot of people's control. I am incredibly excited to be starting at this position in my life, especially considering that I get to do it alongside Evan. I can't believe how much life has been falling into place for us lately.

These past couple of months have been nothing short of exhausting. We've had such little money, and my salary was only shrinking. The stress between us was so great some days as we waited for yet another company to not call either one of us back to update us on a position one of us had interviewed for. It was a lot of waiting, budgeting and trusting.

Still, it taught me so much about Evan. I couldn't believe how incredibly strong he was...even when I wasn't. He managed to get through the situation with so much positivity and I envy him for that. I rarely saw Evan down about himself, and I doubt I could have handled myself the way he did.

I just feel so blessed right now. It feels like all the wait of just needing something to change is over and I only hope to continue to see our lives move full speed ahead--in an upward only direction.